The health and safety of all Made of Music Limited students, staff and visitors are of paramount importance to us during the time of COVID-19, and we have developed a rigorous COVID-19 Safety Policy to make the school a safe and secure place to learn music. However, keeping it safe requires that all those who enter and use our facilities adhere to the Policy and our guidelines. Please read them carefully, as acknowledgement of and adherence to these Guidelines is required of all in-school students.
The sections below list:
The adaptations we have made to our equipment and procedures.
The safety requirements that all in-school students, parents of in-school students and visitors to Made of Music Limited must observe, as well what will happen should the Made of Music Limited be required to physically close.
A statement that all those who enrol for in-school tuition or visit Made of Music Limited must acknowledge and agree to.
School Adaptations
The adaptations we have made to our equipment and procedures include:
Safety signage and clear markings to indicate safe distances between students and teacher and between students in group courses.
Antiseptic dispensers available in our classrooms and public spaces.
Cleaning and disinfection of both classroom instruments and furniture between lessons and classes.
Regular cleaning of public spaces.
COVID-19 Safety Requirements
All in-school students, parents of in-school students and visitors to the Made of Music Limited are required:
To follow all Made of Music Limited COVID-19 safety guidelines, signage and distancing guides when attending lessons/classes or practising in the school.
To maintain physical distancing of two metres at all times.
To arrive as close as possible to the student’s lesson/class time and to leave as soon as possible afterwards.
To sterilise hands using one of the school’s antiseptic dispensers both before and after all lessons, classes or practise sessions.
Except in the case of piano tuition, to bring their own instruments to the school for lessons, classes and practice. (All shared Made of Music Limited instruments are cleaned with disinfectant wipes between lessons, classes or practise sessions.)
To acknowledge that if the Irish government requires temporary closure of school facilities due to an increase in the COVID-19 infection rate or if the Made of Music Limited school director (Mary Power) determines that it is not safe to continue with in-school tuition, the student’s tuition will be moved online until the school re-opens for in-school tuition.
To acknowledge that if the student’s teacher has a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection or has been in close contact with someone who has, the student’s tuition will be moved online until the teacher can return to the school.
To understand that all in-school students are required to continue with online tuition during school closure periods or if their teachers have a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection unless it is impossible to do so. No refunds or deferrals will be made if the student or parent declines online tuition but the student is otherwise able to take it. Any exemption from participating in online tuition must be agreed before the start of tuition in a term or year. If you wish to be exempt for reasons of age, access or lack of technical requirements, please contact us as soon as possible.
To answer truthfully the following questions before every in-school lesson, class or practice session:
How are you feeling?
Have you had a cough, fever, high temperature, sore throat, runny nose, breathlessness or loss or change to your sense of smell or taste in the last 14 days?
Have you been diagnosed with a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 infection in the last 14 days?
Have you been in close contact with a person who has a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
Have you been advised by a doctor or health care professional to self-isolate in the last 14 days?
Not to attend in-school lessons or classes:
If the student taking tuition or anyone he/she is living with is unwell, and there is any possibility that this is due to a COVID-19 infection.
If the student has been in close contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19 and has been advised to self-isolate, or has been advised to self-isolate for another reason.
Although we cannot guarantee this, Made of Music Limited will attempt to make up through online or make-up lessons any lessons missed due to a student’s COVID-19 infection or self-isolation requirement. A doctor’s certificate is required for this. Unfortunately, we cannot make up a group class or classes missed for this reason, although teachers will provide students with practice materials to ensure that they don’t fall behind. In any case, we cannot refund or provide credit for lessons missed due to a COVID-19 infection or self-isolation requirement.
If a teacher has a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection or has been in close contact with someone who has, he/she will teach all lessons/courses online for the duration of his/her self-isolation requirement or make up all lessons/classes when well enough to do so.
Made of Music Limited reserves the right to refuse admission and/or tuition for any student or parent who does not follow our COVID-19 Safety Requirements. In such a case, the student’s missed tuition will not be made up or refunded.
By enrolling for in-school tuition, students and parents acknowledge:
That Made of Music Limited has put in place a range of protective and preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19, according to government directives as well as current best practice.
That Made of Music Limited cannot guarantee protection from COVID-19 infection, but if all students, visitors and staff observe our COVID-19 safety requirements and procedures, the risk of contracting COVID-19 will be minimal.
That enrolling for tuition or practice on Made of Music Limited premises may be increasing risk to exposure to COVID-19.
That the COVID-19 virus has a long incubation period, during which carriers of the virus may not display symptoms and still be contagious.
That in-school students, parents of in-school students and visitors to Made of Music Limited must comply with all COVID-19 safety requirements and procedures to reduce the spread COVID-19 while in the school.
That all in-school students are required to continue with online tuition 1) during required school closure periods or 2) if their teachers have suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infections or have been in close contact with someone who has, unless it is impossible to do so and this exemption has been agreed before the start of tuition in a term or year.
Thank you for observing our COVID-19 Safety Policy.